Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week #6, and Technorati

I set up a account today and I think it's pretty cool. So far, I only have a few of the homepages listed for some of my favorite authors, but it is handy to have all of the links in one place.

I also played around a bit on the technorati site and I think it is ok if someone is willing to wade through all of the results for tags that they look for to find something that is actually relevant, but it is not really a website for me. It seemed to me to take longer to find things of relevance through the tag searches than looking for things the traditional way, but that may be just me. :-)

I'm going to explore it some more and see if is just operator error and there is a faster way to sort through the results or if I am just old fashioned and don't have the patience to dig through results. We shall see! :-D

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