Thursday, June 28, 2007

ARRGH! I've been tagged...

Periodicfrippery tagged me.So, I'll be a good sport and play along.

Rules are:
List 8 facts/habits about yourself.
Post the rules of the game at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
At the end of the post, "tag" 8 people by posting their names.
Then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

One (fact): I am the oldest of five children. I have three younger brothers and a younger sister.
Two (fact): I write poetry and have been published on several occasions.
Three (fact): I agree with the new studies that birthorder does affect intelligence. The older children in a family are most definitely smarter than the younger, but I may be biased. :)
Four (habit): I am a sucker for a good cause and I purchase lots of unnecessary items in the name of a good charity.
Five (fact): Spelling is NOT my forte and I don't care about it because English is a plastic language and is constantly changing anyway.
Six (habit): When I am super stressed and at my breaking point, I cook and bake and do laundry. (How domestic of me!)
Seven (habit): I am addicted to supernatural romances. Vampires, witches, angels, psychics hunting psychos... throw in a romantic angle and I am hooked. I figure hey, I live in the real world, why do I need to read about it? Reading is an escape. :-D
Eight (fact): I am legally blind without the aid of corrective lenses.

I tag : ABC...1..2.3 , The Cheeze , Psychobabe , Four Cats Only , memoir of an amnesiac , liansmom , Swashbuckling Tales , knechtingthedots

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Still in Week 3, playing around with Meez...

It's me again. I was browsing some blogs last night at work and saw something called a "Meez" ( a cartoony person that you could use as your profile picture identification if you wanted to retain some anonymity) and I thought it looked simple enough to try to create one.

As usual, I SEVERELY underestimated the concept of "simple". Anywho, it took me until just a few moments ago, but after some good, old-fashioned trial-and-error, I finally have a Meez. If anyone is interested, you can go to and create your very own animated person to use as a profile pic. They even have some library stacks as one of the available backgrounds, which I thought was nice.

If you want to send your Meez to your blog, you have to go to "export" in the meez menu, then copy and paste the URL from the "a direct link to your Meez" to the photograph space in our blogger settings. (It took me forEVER to figure that one out!)

Anywho, I am off to explore more stuff. Just thought I'd share.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Woo hoo! Up to Week 3!

Hey there! I am up to Week 3 in the 23 Things list! Fickr was pretty cool. It also gave me the option to move all of the photos from my YahooPhotos account to a Flickr account. It took almost an entire day, but everything transferred over just fine. I thought that was pretty cool, seeing as how after September, YahooPhotos will no longer be around.

I am NOT, however, feeling confident enough in my technological abilities just yet to try to write my own software or to try to do an API (or as the wonderful Flickr site defined for me) an Application Programming Interface. I was happy enough today with being able to access my blog. I am not going to test my luck with trying to do something fancy. :-)

Monday, June 25, 2007

I came, I blogged, I left...

Hurrah for me! I started a blog. Now, my challenge will be to actually keep up with this thing. :)