Saturday, July 28, 2007

Week 4: RSS Feeds

Hey there, y'all!

I set up a Bloglines account about a week and a half ago, but have only managed to remember to check it twice. Some of the things that I subscribed to were LibraryBytes, the Shifted Librarian, Librarian's Internet Index, and this goofy little library cartoon called Unshelved. I am still getting the hang of it. I am trying to break the habit of automatically going to the sites I am interested in and looking for what I want.

I really enjoy the concept that you can have all of the information that you subscribed to sent to one spot. It can be really useful especially for library internet users that only have a limited amount of time on the internet a day. With the RSS feeds, they can subscribe to what they want to be kept up to date on and check the one site as opposed to usintg their time allotments wading through ads.

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