Thursday, June 28, 2007

ARRGH! I've been tagged...

Periodicfrippery tagged me.So, I'll be a good sport and play along.

Rules are:
List 8 facts/habits about yourself.
Post the rules of the game at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
At the end of the post, "tag" 8 people by posting their names.
Then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

One (fact): I am the oldest of five children. I have three younger brothers and a younger sister.
Two (fact): I write poetry and have been published on several occasions.
Three (fact): I agree with the new studies that birthorder does affect intelligence. The older children in a family are most definitely smarter than the younger, but I may be biased. :)
Four (habit): I am a sucker for a good cause and I purchase lots of unnecessary items in the name of a good charity.
Five (fact): Spelling is NOT my forte and I don't care about it because English is a plastic language and is constantly changing anyway.
Six (habit): When I am super stressed and at my breaking point, I cook and bake and do laundry. (How domestic of me!)
Seven (habit): I am addicted to supernatural romances. Vampires, witches, angels, psychics hunting psychos... throw in a romantic angle and I am hooked. I figure hey, I live in the real world, why do I need to read about it? Reading is an escape. :-D
Eight (fact): I am legally blind without the aid of corrective lenses.

I tag : ABC...1..2.3 , The Cheeze , Psychobabe , Four Cats Only , memoir of an amnesiac , liansmom , Swashbuckling Tales , knechtingthedots

1 comment:

Latiesha D. Bush said...

Alright LibraryLass...I've already been tagged so you can't tag me.

I am untagging myself.

Tag on Snestor, tag on...